The installation of an alarm system is to stop a potential burglary or threat from occurring at your property. A property with an alarm system is less likely to be broken into than a property without an alarm system. The objectives of a burglar are to break in as quickly and as quietly as possible, take whatever valuables the burglar can find, and get out without attracting any attention. A triggered alarm system will bring unwanted attention to a burglar. Depending on your requirements we can program the alarm to call to a back to base monitoring station or to your phone number.
The installation of CCTV cameras is an important aspect of protecting your premises, staff, clients and equipment. Whether you need a discreet way of documenting the activities conducted in your business, or you are looking to install a visible deterrent to would be thieves, our range of security cameras can be designed especially to meet your specifications and your budget. Feel safe and comfortable knowing that you can watch your High definition cameras on your iPhone, iPad or computer from anywhere in the world using a simple app.